Sunday, November 1, 2009

-invention of elecrity = starting point
- hamster in a wheel
- Theis: we are trapped in the digital world because we know of no other world
Pharagraph 1
We have become oblivious to anything besides what our digital world tells us.
-WallE: fat lady in the chair "we have a pool?!"
Pharagraph 2
we rely the digital world to deal with our emotions
-the ending of feed when hes trying to make him self feel better by buying shit
pharagraph 3
we can no longer imagen a world where we dont have digital
-peoples expirences digital free. even after they got more sleep, they are back to textin
pharagraph 4
-converter box, we had to buy something to continue with our lives

1 comment:

  1. i like how u set it up i used your idea for mine. do you think you can connect all your ideas to your self like a text to self. like what do you do in your life based off tech or digital
