Monday, November 16, 2009


The desire to be cool is a quest to be accepted. It is our animal instinct to be part of a group, there is safety in numbers. To be part of a group we find a idenity and stick to it. It is rare that you will find a kid whos favorite rapper is 50 cent, but also likes ACDC. we make choices and have opinions to fit into a specific group. Even the people who go against conformity will listen to anti-conformity music and where uncool clothing along with the un-conformist friends. We decide whats cool depending on what group we are in or want to be in.

Another part of being cool, is keeping up with the cool. Once you are set into one group it is hard to change groups. If you have gotten your self into the bob marley loving rasta group, you probably cant have a sudden intrest in the lyrics of Immortal Technique. Joining a group is like becoming a puzzle piece, you can only work well in that group; you cant be the one bob marley loving person who also listens to slayer because that doesnt fit. And when you dont fit you are seen as wishy washy and not really part of a solid group. you become a loner.

Another part of the cool is preventing people who are deemed unworthy entrance to your group. By deciding what is cool, you can determine who is not cool. If you are into wearring Urban outfitters and other bright clothing, chances are you will not chill with a goth kid. By making the statement that you are a person who wears bright colors you are saying that you think that is the way to live and that anyone who disagrees is uncool. The nerd will never eat lunch with the Jocks because they are making two diffrent statements.

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