Monday, May 3, 2010

“When I was around your age I realized life was about one thing” said my Muay Thai coach as we sat on the ring before class. “The only thing that we really care about, the only reason we do things like get a job, Is to get laid.” While the phrasing of this philosophical ideal may have been crude, the rings true. Because the fact is when we go back to our most ancient animal instinct, all we really want to do is pass on our genes in the only way we know how. Almost every choice of living we make has sex as the driving force behind it. The clothes you wear, the career you choose, and even the people you hang with are all chosen partly based on what you think will attract the best possible partners.

Another animal instinct that humans clearly possess is the desire to travel in packs. This most easily translates to conformity. Humans naturally prefer to be in some sort of group with other people. Sometimes to fit into a group we change who we are. Animals feel safe in a pack, there is safety in numbers. When you’re in a group you feel more significant. You feel like you’re part of something bigger and more important then you. Travling in a pack can also lead to making the beast with two backs.

"the biggest lie you can tell yourself is when you get what you want you will be happy" Humans can never be complete. Everyone needs some kind of struggle to define their lives. This can be the wanna be rappers trying to get rich, or the shoalin monks working for enlightenment. A hundred years ago people didnt need to look for a struggle. They had to work on their fields and crop to survive. These days are diffrent. Food can now be obtained with a simple trip around the corner. So instead people look for other problems they can devote their time to.

What is this new obsession with kids being safe. In virgina there is a strict no touching rule. A parent justifies this because they are afriad pokes will turn to fights and they are afraid of gang handshakes. It is this everything must be perfect additude (usually set forth by white adults) that I think is weakening the youth. There is a new breed of parent that wants to protect their kid from everything. They are trying to create their own little eurtopia. And this only seems to be true in America. Last year there was a series of fights. The worse injury sustained was a cut from when one kids lip hit his braces. But the parents flipped out, putting pressure on the school who was forced to suspend everyone involved. Even a kid who filmed the fights and in no way added to them was suspended. You compare this adittude to other areas of the world such as south america where a fight never involves more then the two people fighting. Maternal instinct is understandable, but shouldnt kids learn some lessons the hard way? Smooth seas never made a good mariner.

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