Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Taking the test was strange for me. My family isn't your average family. With out being self pitying or self proclaiming, I can say my family's situation is a little worse then the average. Along with that is my families don't ask don't tell attitude when it comes to family issues. So to fill out a question that asked me in depth about my family was a little strange.

While reading the scored I have to say I was a little disappointed. I was expecting some scandalous results that would be good plots for a family drama series, but everything was pretty normal. I realized that the survey showed most families as good but not amazing. for questions like "You talk to an adult in your family household for more than 5 minutes about your day, pretty much every day" the majority was yes generally. Most peoples family is in between mediocre and amazing. I wonder how this would change if we looked at a different demographic of people. How would the scores be if we looked at families who were really rich compared to families who were below the poverty line?

I read the article about teen sex and I thought a lot of it was using statistics to scare people. one fact was "Only 8% of sexually active teens use birth control pills, the most effective means of preventing pregnancy ". When I read this I was just like no shit. Being a teenager I know the only girls who use the pill are ones who have boyfriends or for some reason fuck a lot. Most teens aren't like that. Most teens have occasion sex and use simple birth control like a condom. After reading the facts I found it kind of hard to take the article seriously.

1 comment:

  1. Dylan,

    Like the questions in the second paragraph - such as the demographic issue.

    Can you eliminate the swear words and save some wear and tear on both of us?

    Good point about the scare tactic. Makes sense to me.
