Saturday, September 12, 2009


The other day andy brought told us that we would not be able to digital stuff for afew days. It took me afew seconds to realize i wouldnt be able to do it. The simple fact is that we have relied so much on computers, tvs, and cellphones we dont know what else to do. I currently have no computer and have to wait for one of my parents to finish on theirs so i can use it, and while i wait i am extremely bored. I have become to relient on computers i dont know how to pass the time alone without one.
I also realize my social life relies on computers and phones. I make my weekend plans on facebook and through texting. With no way to contact people i am down the river with out a paddle.

With all that being said the question remains, will we ever be free of the digital world. we all know that in one way or another our addiction to the digital world is bad, but we have built a world that relies on it.
Its our entiernetienment, our news source, its now even the way i do home work.


  1. Ayo. I liked how honest you made this post. What I was especially able to connect to was the way you analogized the lack of technology to being "down the river without a paddle".

    I can glean from your post that you believe any personal efforts to resist the digital world are futile. In your opinion, the world has become so reliant on technology that the opportunity cost for abandoning these vices might outweigh the possible good.

    I once thought the same as you. I remember, in 8th grade, our humanities teacher, Cricket, challenged us all to give up TV for 30 days in exchange for some hefty extra credit. Lured by the incentive of a good grade, I accepted the challenge. About 2 or 3 days into the experiment, I began to notice that I was engaging my parents in more philosophical conversation, drawing more, calling up old friends, and finishing homework at a more dignified hour. The symptoms of my "TV withdrawal" were far from traumatic. When the 30 days were over, I slowly re-integrated the TV back into my daily life. That was a mistake. It is very likely the reason why I am now typing my homework at midnight.

    While I admire your thoughts and well evidenced conclusions, I have to disagree with you. Digital things AREN'T REAL. They wouldn't help us survive in a primitive nomadic society, and if some large scale power outage were to happen, these things would be useless. I don't believe technology has any long-term survival value. If anything, the digital revolution has arrested the development of our perception and logic, two vital components of any survival strategy.

    While my life is also puppeteered by computers and phones, I don't think this means it always has to be. In fact, I am going to more actively resist the draws of technology and instead hone my ability to notice patterns and intricacies of my surroundings. Hopefully I can stay committed.

    I'd like to hear your thoughts as this unit progresses. If your opinion changes, then tell me what caused it to change. If it doesn't, I'm up for debate.

    Goodnight, or, since it's 12:05 am, good morning.

    Ali Jo

  2. What up Conroy? I like how your post is straight to the point and your idea is clearly written. You didn’t try to get cute with your post by making your point clear and straight forward. Kudos to that.

    I think your post proves every point that you made. You’re saying your board because you don’t have TV, a computer and your “fun plans” are done through electronic devises. Without texting and Facebook (which I know both revolve around your phone) it seems to be like you’re not going to have a Friday night.

    Dude, I know how you feel about not having a computer. My computer just crashed the other day. It won’t turn on and now I have lost all of my music. Right now I am using my dad’s computer, but on a limited bases because he uses it for work, so waiting for a computer has turned into a bummer.

    When you asked the question, “will we ever be free of the digital world”, I doubt that we ever will. At the end you say we can now do homework online. That means that this digital world is constantly expanding. Who knows what the limit is, but it doesn’t look like we will ever be free of it.

    I think it’s interesting that we can get all the information from the internet. We got news, social life, homework, entertainment all in one. It’s seems like you are ok with all this and you explain yourself well. I love it too, but I still think everything in one devise could lead to people staring at screens for their lives. Unlike them, you use it as an organizer so that you know when you go out, who is available, where to go and overall seems to welcome the internet.

    Good post. Looking forward to more. Live by the W’s.
