Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Some body warn Victor


A study showed evidence that Playing World of Warcraft, a popular online role playing game, decreased the IQ of the player. In this piece a scientist wondered how people could be so stupid. If some of the smart people in our country get so confused about why we are wasting our time on stupid shit that the use the word "unadulterated" shouldnt we listen?

So while this piece was pretty biased, it did point out a interesting point; people are putting to much thought into stupid shit. As the digital worlds opens up, the real world becomes smaller and smaller. Suddenly having the right phone becomes more attention worthy then third world countries. Why is this? Mabye because in the digital world we have control. We cant control the people starving to death, no matter how much you give more will keep dying. In the digital world on the other hand you are in full control, you can change ur profile pic, pick a cool screenname, or have what ever phone fits you.

We want to feel powerful in a world where we are nothing


The article Is just a basic review of video games in our current society. It brought up some interesting facts (no sources though). It stated that some major companies are desighing video games for preschoolers. Their are already digital learning devices for kids such as Vtec and Leap Frog. This is a double edged sword. On the one hand these can be a fun way to learn the basics. I remember having the leap frog multiplication game and playing it alot. These toys can help kids who are unmodivated to learn. On the other hand these devices are pludging the kids into digital lives earlyer then ever before. It is hooking the kids into video games early so they spend their whole lives playing, the same marketting tactic is used with cigerettes. These kids will grow up only knowing digital devices. Is there a age where we draw the line? Or will new borns be given little screens that when they touch a letter it makes the approriete sound. Will there be a day where all people will ever know is screens?

Monday, September 28, 2009

When i watched my video I realized that I wasnt really that interested. I kinda watched the show just to have something to do. I have becomes to rely on the computer for entertienment. At the sametime i was emotionally dulled until i realized that my computer wasnt plugged in causing me to suddenly snap into action. I think the wii is suppouse to prevent the dull blankness. Its suppouse to have you more interactive in the game, but it fails. Now instead of sitting down at a screen typing with a blank expression, im standing up swinging a stick with a blank expression. The movement changes but the mind stays the same.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

people on the street

me:Do you think that technology is dumbing us down?
buisness man: Yes it is disabling us.
me:So are the omish smarter then us, since they have no technology?
BM:Well um, no because they dont have the resources we have today.
me:But you just said..
BM: Wow, um. I dont know.

(best friend)
Me: mac stop being a dumb ass and help me with this
MAc: fine what do you want
me: How is the digital world effecting our social life
Mac: It puts to much empathesis on how many friends we have instead of how good they are. people only care that they have 600 friends on facebook, not the fact that half of them couldnt pick you out of a line up. is that good enough
Me: umm yea actually

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

family questions

me: much time do you spend on facebook and sites like that?
mom: I limit myself to only 20 minutes a day, other wise i could be there for hours.

Me: whose fualt is it that so many kids spend so much time on the internet.
Ed: its the kids fault but at the same time the parents fualt. the kids should have some idea that this isnt a productive way to live their life. At the same time the parents are more wise then the kids and should understand that part of the reason the kid is wasting his or her time is because they are letting them.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


The other day andy brought told us that we would not be able to digital stuff for afew days. It took me afew seconds to realize i wouldnt be able to do it. The simple fact is that we have relied so much on computers, tvs, and cellphones we dont know what else to do. I currently have no computer and have to wait for one of my parents to finish on theirs so i can use it, and while i wait i am extremely bored. I have become to relient on computers i dont know how to pass the time alone without one.
I also realize my social life relies on computers and phones. I make my weekend plans on facebook and through texting. With no way to contact people i am down the river with out a paddle.

With all that being said the question remains, will we ever be free of the digital world. we all know that in one way or another our addiction to the digital world is bad, but we have built a world that relies on it.
Its our entiernetienment, our news source, its now even the way i do home work.