Tuesday, April 6, 2010

chop chop chop, judo flip

My choice of readding was The Boondocks by AAron Mcgruder. The Boondocks tells the story of two kids named Riley and Huey who move from chiago with their grandfather to an all white nieborhood in suburbia. McGruder uses the scenario of the only black family in white suburbia to show us his view on the topics of racism and politics. In The Boondocks niether Riley or Huey do very good in school. Riley doesnt because he is trying to be the steriotypical gangster and uses school to show how gangster he is to the other kids. Huey is the opposite. Huey's character is a revolutionist and he beleives that the schools are brainwashing eurocentrism into the society, so he spends his time in school researching his own things. Niether character is modivated to learn because niether of them wants to learn whats being taught, so they use the school as a place to do their own thing. Students are not modivated so they see school less as a place to learn and more of a place to do their own thing.

Huey's character is the sterio typical american revolutionary. In the Boondocks he thinks that public schools are brainwashing the youth into the euro-centric capitalists. This can most easly be seen in the bottom of page 41. Huey was just caught readding a diffrent book in class and he explains his reasoning to the teacher. "{teacher} So if i understand correctly, you do not ahve your textbook with you, huey. ... because you felt there were other texts that deserved priority in your book bag?...Texts like shabazz k. jenkins How to Tell if Your Teacher is Brainwashing You With Eurocentrism. {Huey} Given your stirring tribute to Christopher Columbus last month, I beleive I made the right call" (Boondocks Right to be Hostile, p.41) Huey does not trust the school system. so he uses the time to study his own intrests. He is not in anyway shape or form modivated to learn what they teacher wants to teach him so he what he thinks he should do.

Riley, Huey's younger brother, is the opposite of Huey. He embraces the rap culture, which Huey strongly hates, and is constantly thinking about how to be more gangster. Riley uses school as a way to be more gangster. When Riley is asked to introduce himself on the first day he states "Aiiight, Y'all need to listen up to what esco got to say, word up. Don't ever in ya life confuse me for a punk that wont do some chin checkin, knaamean. I'm keepin $?%! real. Dun!..." (p.27) Riley makes sure his first impression shows off this thugness. He has no motivation for school because he doesnt think it will help him become a gangster. so he uses school for his own reasons.

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