Tuesday, October 27, 2009

First i wanna say that i like your down to earth way of righting. You dont try and use big words that you dont understand or try to sound deep and fancy. You say what you think in the kind of language that i would hear you use in school.

What stood out the most was the end of post #12. Its easy to be a hater and call our generation stupid. but you put more thought into it and brought up the idea that while we arent stupid, we are lazy and preocupied with less important things. This reminds me of a quote from V for Vendetta where he says "[if you want to know who to blame]you need only look in the mirror". The fact is we are the ones responisable for what happens to us. There is no super beam going into your heads and sucking out our intellengence.

I think the second pharagraph in #12 could use expanding. You begin to talk about the bubble but then you end it short. I think that if you went more in depth with that idea you could bring up some good ideas.

Reading this posts makes me think about the things that i find important. I wonder how much of my priorities are really just me being worked as a puppet. I realize that i am also lazy and i dont really think about the things that i find important.

Good job
you earned yourself some chicken

what up

I liked the opening pharagraph in #13. It had an easy going and optimistic tone to it, which is kinda hard to have in Andy's class.

In the third pharagraph of #13 you make a good point. You say that feed is more then a book and that it is a window into how we live. I think this is a good point. I agree with you in the sense that M.T. uses this book to get at something much bigger then just a nice story.

The second pharagraph reminds me of the quote "I just opened the door, its your job to walk through it" The author didnt write the book to tell us what to do. At no point was he like do this. All he did was show us what was wrong in the way we lived, he opened the door for us. In that same pharagraph you talk about how when we had little technology we wanted more, now that we have more we have too much. it reminds me of the quote "the biggest lie you can tell yourself is when i get what i want I will be happy"

in the third pharagraph you mention these huge metaphors, what are they. I think that if you talked about the metaphors alittle it would make that pharagraph stronger and back up your point.

Your writting has made me think of ways we can solve our digital problem. The author shows us the flaws in our life, and to some extent just by understanding the problem we have begun to solve it. But what do we do now? it would be a waste to realize the issue in our lives and not try and solve it.

keep up the good work (and use spellcheck)

Monday, October 19, 2009

there are acouple things to be said about the artistic choices of Feed. first is the fact that its a book. while this seems basic it actually can hold alot of meaning. I think if offered, the author would turn down the oppurtunity to make this book into a movie. By having keeping this book a book, the author prevents the story from being digitalized. since the Book is a critizism of the digital world slowly taking over the reality world, turning the book into a movie would send mixed messages.

the age group that this book is meant for is alittle tricky. It's not meant for adults because they spent to much of their life before the digital era, and have a hard time relatting. but these kids who have spent their whole lives in a digital era are usually too younge to understand the book for what it is. Thats why i think this book was meant more for kids in the near future. The Author wants kids who spent their whole life plugged in to read this book and see their life for what it really is.

the idea that i think will work with me most when i make my project is the false sense of support we put into technolligy. the main character of the story was use to having the feed make him feel better. but at the end when Violet was down to 4% the feed couldnt help him. He spent all night buying the same pants waitting for that sense of comfort he was use to getting from using the feed, but it never came. The fact is he no longer knew how to deal with those emotions. My project will most likly be about the false sence of secruity that the digital world gives us.
There were some key diffrences between my life and the book but most of it was the same.

I connected the feed the most to the internet. I am constantly checking my facebook, even through my phone. It gets to the point where much like the main character in feed i feel disconnected when i dont have my phone and i havent checked in awhile. Also Like the feed I now rely on the internet to get most of the information i dont already know. So my life is part dependent on the internet as theirs is to the feed.

At the same time I think the Author of Feed sometimes took the analogy too far. Their were times in the book where the friends would chat through the feed instead of outloud. While I am partly dependent on the internet I would much prefer a conversation in person. Also I didnt quite get the part where they were going into Mal, i didnt understand what the author was trying to portray.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

never doing that again

for my expirement i skipped muay thai and went right home.
By 8 i was incredibly bored. Usually i get home at 830 so i only have afew hours before i go to sleep. I get about 2 1/2 hours of comp time. by skipping muay thai i had 6.

Im not even sure what people do for this long. i feel like i have been in a daze for afew hours. my mind hasnt really had to comprehend anything to complicated. I just feel dull

Monday, October 5, 2009

Responding to Kevin/kareem

Kevin: It was kinda funny watching your video. You were comfortable as hell. You had your headpiece on, the tv on, and food on your lap. It seems like you are naturally atracted to your sreen. When you got your food you deffiently walked past your dinning room table where you could eat at a table, to go to your room where you ate off your lap. I could tell that you could spend all night there. If only that seat had a toilet.

Kareem: Since my computer is slow i couldnt stream the video. What i could do was pause it then click random parts and see the screen shot for that moment, what i saw was interesting. Most of the shots were exatcly the same. You had the same facial expression and you barely moved. I couldnt view the video, but I can safely assume what the video was like.